Archives for Midwifery Practice
Lancet Series on the Importance of Midwifery in the Lives of Women and Infants
The Lancet, a highly-respected medical journal published in the , has recently released a series of articles on midwifery and its actual and potential impact on the lives and health…
Do You Really Need that Embarrassing and Uncomfortable Pelvic Exam?
In her New York Times column on Personal Health, Jane Brody recently questioned the value of routine pelvic exams during visits to the gynecologist. (Routine pelvic exams during labor are…
Medical Research Terminology – What the Heck is an RCT, a Meta-analysis, a Systematic Review?
I have been reading an alarming book by Ben Goldacre, a British physician and journalist who writes a sometimes column for The Guardian called Bad Science, and has a website…
How Long Is Too Long?
Is Time Running Out? Maybe Not So Fast A new study from the University of California, San Francisco, reported in the New York Times by Catherine St Louis (Feb 5,…
Can You Trust the Information You Read on MidwifeInsight?
From How good is the information that you see on this webpage? For that matter, how good is the information that you get on any webpage, or in the media…
Why Are Some Innovative Ideas in Maternity Care Embraced While Others Are Ignored?
In a New Yorker article (July 2013) titled Slow Ideas, the surgeon and journalist Atul Gawande asks why some innovative ideas in medicine are adopted so quickly, while others are…
A Short History of Midwifery
Midwives Attending Delivery Highlights in the history of a very old profession, with references for more information elsewhere. "Well-behaved women rarely make history." (Laurel Thatcher Ulrich) (more…)
Law Grants Massachusetts Nurse-Midwives Authority to Write Prescriptions
BOSTON, MA, Feb 2, 2012 - Governor Deval Patrick signed a bill that expands the privileges and responsibilities of nurse-midwives. The governor has signed legislation that authorizes nurse-midwives to write…
Midwives vs. Doctors in US Maternal Mortality Crisis
A journalist discusses the increasing number of midwife-attended births and the controversy around this as maternal mortality increases in the United States. Hannah Rubenstein's interesting article about the increasing number…
A systematic review to be published in the September/October 2011 issue of Nursing Economic$ reports that care provided by certified nurse-midwives (CNMs) is associated with comparable or better outcomes than…