Archives for Women’s Health - Page 2
Why do I need to take folic acid before and during pregnancy?
Folic acid is a B-vitamin that is essential for normal neural tube closure and development in the fetus. (more…)
Why is nitrous oxide for pain relief unavailable to most women giving birth in the United States when it is available in so many other countries?
This is the question posed by Judith Rooks, CNM, MS, MPH, a well-known midwifery author, epidemiologist, and researcher. As Ms. Rooks notes in her editorial in the March…
Overweight Moms and Preterm Labor
A 2006 study of 187,290 women in Scotland, published in the American Journal of Public Health, found that maternal obesity in early pregnancy is associated with an increased risk…
Emergency contraceptives (EC)
Emergency contraceptives is a term that refers to methods of preventing pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse. "Plan B," one brand of hormonal emergency contraceptive, was approved for OTC sales to…
Every Woman’s Rights
Consideration and respect for every woman under all circumstances is the foundation of this statement of rights. 1. Every woman has the right to health care before, during, and after…
A new publication on menopause. (more…)
Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Website and publication availableThe American Social Health Association , founded in 1914, is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to stopping sexually transmitted diseases and their harmful consequences to individuals, families…
You're pregnant, so you think twice about what you put into your body; after all, there are two of you to think about. {mosimage}Pregnant woman have many concerns about both…
Herbs in Pregnancy
A good general rule during pregnancy is not to use anything other than simple foods and nutritive herbs unless the action of the substance on the uterus and fetus is known. (more…)
Calcium Intake and Osteoporosis Prevention
Recommended daily calcium intake and food content table. (more…)